The fastest way to get healthier--HOS Fitness Kettlebells

     |      2022-07-14 09:38:52

Kettlebell HIIT is a workout that gives you the best of bodyweight cardiovascular and aerobic pressure and the best of external weight with the use of a kettlebell. The result is a total=body, high-burn workout that will make you groan a little but will also help you get fitter, faster. 

Build cardio endurance, boost metabolism, and increase strength with these five HIIT kettlebell workouts. Prepare to get sweaty.


1. Kettlebell Swing HIIT Workout

· Two Handed Kettlebell Swing – 20 secs

· Rest – 10 secs

· Repeat 5 – 8 Times

Benefits – the kettlebell swing is the most effective full body kettlebell exercise both for fat loss and full body conditioning. No matter what your level from beginner to advanced you can always get a lot out of this basic swing workout.

Variations – try changing the weight each round, so you can start light and go heavier or move from heavy to lighter.

Related4 steps to master the kettlebell swing for beginners


2. Kettlebell Double Lunge Tabata Leg Workout

· Kettlebell Double Lunge Left – 20 secs

· Rest – 10 secs

· Kettlebell Double Lunge Right – 20 secs

· Rest – 10 secs

· Repeat 4 Times

Benefits – double lunges are tough on the legs, you can expect to be sore from this exercise and have your cardio seriously tested.

Variations – if the full movement is too intense you can always put your foot down briefly between forwards and backwards lunges.

Related: 21 kettlebell exercises for magnificent legs


3. Kettlebell Squat ‘n’ Climbers Tabata Workout

· Kettlebell Squat & Press – 30 secs

· Rest – 15 secs

· Fast Mountain Climbers – 30 secs

· Rest – 15 secs

· Repeat 4 Times

Benefits – as if squatting and pressing was not enough adding floor based fast mountain climbers cranks your heart rate up even higher. You get some great core activation from the fast mountain climbers too!

Related5 bodyweight core exercises every beginner should practice


4. Kettlebell Squat & Press Tabata Cardio Workout

· Kettlebell Two Handed Squat & Press – 20 secs

· Rest – 10 secs

· Repeat 5 – 8 Times

Benefits – the squat is a classic full body movement and by adding the press at the top you get full body conditioning from head to toe. Depending on your speed you can really get your heart racing with this exercise too.

Variations – try changing the weight each round from lighter to heavier and vice versa. On the lighter round work on increasing your speed. Count how many repetitions you perform each round and try and stick to that number or better it.

RelatedHow to Master the Kettlebell Thruster the Ultimate Full Body Exercise


5. Kettlebell Clean Tabata Workout

· Kettlebell Clean Left Hand – 20 secs

· Rest – 10 secs

· Kettlebell Clean Right Hand – 20 secs

· 10 Seconds Rest

· Repeat 4 Times

Benefits – the clean is a full body movement that when performed at a good pace will really elevate your heart rate and strengthen your hips, legs, core and back.

Variations – choosing the correct weight for your cleans is very important. Try to go as heavy as you can manage and then really drive and work those hips. I remember performing a very tough kettlebell hiit workout of 60 seconds of 32kg cleans many years ago.

RelatedStop Banging Your Wrists and Master the Clean